

This is a lifestyle blog where our group will write about different things according to the theme, but first we decided to introduce ourselves! So, my name is Nikolina Ojalainen and I'm the groupleader this week. I am a first year student in the VINE programme and I chose communication for my major. I am 19 years old and just graduated from high school last spring. I wanted to start studying in the University of Vaasa right away, so it was quite a change for me, but in a good way of course. :) I'm from Vaasa so I didn't have to move from home and it was nice to stay here where all my friends are. - Nikolina

Indeed. I will introduce myself as well. I'm Anton Pajakko and I'm 21 years old. Also a first year student in the VINE, however, I got my spot through open university. My major is English, so I'll see where I will end up. :P I'm also from Vaasa, and to be honest there isn't much to tell. Cooking and video games are the things I enjoy the most. - Anton

Yes, welcome all to our wonderful blog! :-) My name is Veera Hjerppe and I will turn 22 in just a few weeks. I started studying in the VINE programme last autumn so I am too a first year student. Originally I'm from Tampere so when I found out I'll be moving to Vaasa I took my girlfriend and dog with me. My life is full of music, I play the drums and also find myself singing quite loudly very often. I'm also a book nerd, movie fanatic, travel enthusiast and hopefully one day a successful journalist.

Now it is my turn. My name's Dominika. 21 years old exchange student from Košice, Slovakia. I am in love with nordic countries for a years, so that's why I chose Finland as my erasmus destination. In my homecountry I'm studying Cybernetics and Artificial Intelligence, playing violin, taking a lot of pictures (digital but also analog) and videos, playing in orchestra,  blogging for 4 years, travelling a lot if it's possible for my bank account. I am also fan of good movies and besides classical music I also prefer indie,alternative,old and weird music. E.g. Arctic Monkeys, Foster the People, Dillon, The Dø, The Beatles, Agnes Obel, The Black Keys... - Dominika

Lastly, hello to everyone from me also. My name is Sara Karvonen and i'm 26 years old. I moved to Helsinki right after I graduated from high school here in Vaasa and lived there for 6 years studying and working. Lived also in Stockholm for a while and then last year I moved back here to study, so this is my second year at the University of Vaasa. I'm planning to do my bachelor here and then maybe back to Sweden for my masters. In my freetime I enjoy going to the gym and during winter snowboarding is my favorite thing to do. I also love to travel whenever I get a chance.

Hello from me, too! My name is Meri Alanko and I'm a 21-year-old girl from Espoo, Finland. I moved to Vaasa last August, so I'm also a first-year student. This is my first time living alone but so far I have enjoyed it. I am studying in the VINE programme, and hopefully I will get to work with languages in the future. My hobbies include reading, listening to music and watching movies. Hope you all have a nice time reading our blog! - Meri 

Hello from me too! My name is Iina Honkanen and I'm also a first-year student. I turn 20 in March. I moved here from Varkaus, and even after six months, I have no trouble getting lost. I usually spend most of my time reading books and playing video games. Iina

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